Easy Solutions UK Apps

Easy Text To Speech
Automatically speaks the Clipboard, SharedLinks and Web Pages. Copy text from any Android application or webbrowser and hear it instantly spoken back to you. No need toswitch applications and no extra clicks. Integrated Web Pageand News Article Reader, Clipboard Manager database storage andmany highly productive useful flexible features (see list below)with ongoing user support and development. Great for anyone whorequires such Accessibility support or who dislikes reading largechunks of text on small devices. Save straining your eyes and justlisten to your device speaking / talking whilst allowing you to geton with something more productive.Recently added support in EasyTTS v5.0+ for the OS versions ofLollipop 5 and Marshmallow 6.No Ads, intrusions or compromised privacy in this Free TrialEvaluation version (see notes below).Main Features:* Clipboard Monitoring for instant Text To Speech from anyApp.* Web Page and News Article Reader with much improved Text scrapingfunctionality.* Automated Text Import from Sharing support, direct text import orfrom File Manager text file launching and clipboardsynchronisation.* Type and Speak it. Reads and speaks aloud anything you type oredit. Loop mode of selected text activated by a Long Click of thePlay button. Large text display support to aid visually impairedusers.* Speak and follow by Sentence, Word, Letter by Letter (andpronounce), NATO (Alpha Delta Foxtrot etc.) and Morse Code (Dit DitDah).* Incoming SMS Text reader and Caller Id Name reader to speech(simple implementation).* Accessibility, Dyslexia Assistive Technology or educationalreading aid, correct pronunciation tool. Backgroundprocessing.* Web page reader scraping text to speech. Share Page from browsersupported to extract text content (dependent on web page design)and process all or a selection to speech. Share, Copy or type in aweb page URL address and be prompted to extract text tospeech.* Clip Manager, stores clipboard history and Shared data activity,manage clips into groups, templates or easy clip notes. One touchcopy or speak aloud clip texts in Sound Board Mode, which may helpcommunication for people who have difficulty speaking.Please click 'Write Review' on this page and click a nice high starrating ;). Thanks.Enhance Text To Speech reader application that is simple,effective, flexible, intelligent and highly productive. With theaid of the notification status bar icon, active Text To Speechprocessing can be stopped, edited, modified and restarted.Alternatively, just copy new text to the clipboard to interruptText To Speech processing with the new task.Just what you have been waiting for. I wanted this functionalityfor myself and had to write my own application to get it. This isbecause the older APIs can not easily accomplish a satisfactoryclipboard monitoring solution. Well now I can share this solutionwith the world and hopefully some of you out there will have arequirement for such an application and appreciate what thisapplication delivers.Requires prior installation for support of an Android TTSengine.March 2013 Notification: The Trial Evaluation Versionrestrictions allow time to evaluate the App before more restrictivefunctionality measures are applied. The App will still function,although all text processed will be polluted with 'End of Trial...'messages. The reason for this change is to try and generate somereturn for the significant development time invested to date, asthis is not much of a hobby. You probably spent hundreds on adevice, yet fight very hard not to spend a small amount on a usefulApp. Please support by purchasing the paid version.In the event of a serious software problem (crash after an update,try reinstalling) then please email [email protected] to help identify and fix as quick as possible. Apologiesin advance.Thank you for your support.
Easy Text To Speech Pro
Automatically speaks the Clipboard, SharedLinks and Web Pages. Copy text from any Android application or WebBrowser and hear it instantly spoken back to you. No need toswitch applications and no extra clicks. Integrated Web Pageand News Article Reader, Clipboard Manager database storage andmany highly productive useful flexible features (see list below)with ongoing user support and development. Great for anyone whorequires such Accessibility support or who dislikes reading largechunks of text on small devices. Save straining your eyes and justlisten to your device speaking / talking whilst allowing you to geton with something more productive.Recently added Lollipop5 and Marshmallow6 support (EasyTTSv5.0+). Please note that the Pro version may initially beproblematic when trying to verify it’s software licence, which isassociated to the GooglePlay account when the Application wasoriginally purchased.Updating to v5.0+ will sadly reset any saved EasyTTS ClipboardManager clips.Try the identical free No Ads version first! Uninstall the freeversion before purchasing to avoid any confusion. Please be sureto save/export any personal Clip Manager data that has beencollected from the Free version in advance. Thank you.No Ads, intrusions or compromised privacy.Main Features:* Clipboard Monitoring for instant Text To Speech from anyApp.* Web Page and News Article Reader with much improved Text scrapingfunctionality.* Automated Text Import from Sharing support, direct text import orfrom File Manager text file launching and clipboardsynchronisation.* Type and Speak it. Reads and speaks aloud anything you type oredit. Loop mode of selected text activated by a Long Click of thePlay button. Large text display support to aid visually impairedusers.* Speak and follow by Sentence, Word, Letter by Letter (andpronounce), NATO (Alpha Delta Foxtrot etc.) and Morse Code (Dit DitDah).* Incoming SMS Text reader and Caller Id Name reader to speech(simple implementation).* Accessibility, Dyslexia Assistive Technology or educationalreading aid, correct pronunciation tool. Backgroundprocessing.* Web page reader scraping text to speech. Share Page from browsersupported to extract text content (dependent on web page design)and process all or a selection to speech. Share, Copy or type in aweb page URL address and be prompted to extract text tospeech.* Clip Manager, stores clipboard history and Shared data activity,manage clips into groups, templates or easy clip notes. One touchcopy or speak aloud clip texts in Sound Board Mode, which may helpcommunication for people who have difficulty speaking.Please click 'Write Review' on this page and click a nice high starrating ;). Thanks.Enhance Text To Speech reader application that is simple,effective, flexible, intelligent and highly productive. With theaid of the notification status bar icon, active Text To Speechprocessing can be stopped, edited, modified and restarted.Alternatively, just copy new text to the clipboard to interruptText To Speech processing with the new task.Just what you have been waiting for. I wanted this functionalityfor myself and had to write my own application to get it. This isbecause the older APIs can not easily accomplish a satisfactoryclipboard monitoring solution. Well now I can share this solutionwith the world and hopefully some of you out there will have arequirement for such an application and appreciate what thisapplication delivers.You probably spent hundreds on a device, yet fight very hard not tospend a small amount on a useful App. Please support by purchasingthis paid version.In the event of a serious software problem (crash after an update,try uninstall reinstall) then please email crash/freeze [email protected] directly to help identify and fix asquick as possible. Apologies in advance.Thank you for your support.